If anything
is gonna leak out of your headphones make sure it’s the velvet tones of Rob
& Callum of the If There Is Hell Below podcast, here to serve you,
hopefully what our focus will deem ‘good
So, Quelle
Chris is back on the pod but with (for our money) his best tune yet; Ducktails
provides further reason for Real Estate to split up and just concentrate on
their superior side-projects, there’s a dark beat cloud closing in from
mysterious instrumental doom hip hop group 3:33, Drenched/soaked reverb psych
from Sun Machine, Gangsta Boo & Sinjin Hawke provide a dancefloor monster
and we finish with God-like figure Robert Wyatt and something from his
collection of unreleased material from ’68. There’s more besides, the focus
group thought it ‘will do’.